Lisey’s Story
Based on Stephen King’s novel, this psychological horror drama follows Lisey Landon, played by Julianne Moore, as she navigates the haunting memories and dark secrets of her late husband, a famous novelist. The narrative intertwines past and present, revealing a mysterious world that her husband inhabited. The series is directed by Pablo Larraín and features a strong supporting cast, including Clive Owen and Jennifer Jason Leigh. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Stephen King
Studio: Bad Robot, fortysixty, Warner Bros. Television
Creators: Pablo Larraín, Stephen King
TV Status: Ended
50minRelease: 2021
IMDb: 5.9
TMDb: 5.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 53%
Networks: Apple TV+
Starring: Clive Owen, Dane DeHaan, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Joan Allen, Julianne Moore, Джоан Аллен