LA to Vegas
This ensemble workplace comedy follows a group of misfits striving to carve out their niche in the world. The story unfolds during the Friday night flight from LAX to Vegas and the return journey on Sunday. United by a common ambition, they all hope to emerge victorious in life’s casino.
Views: 1
Genre: Comedy
Director: Lon Zimmet
Studio: 20th Century Fox Television, Gary Sanchez Productions
Creators: Lon Zimmet
TV Status: Canceled
22minRelease: 2018
IMDb: 7.1
TMDb: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 50%
Country: United States of America
Networks: FOX
Starring: Alex Frnka, Amir Talai, Dylan McDermott, Ed Weeks, Kim Matula, Nathan Kress, Nathan Lee Graham, Olivia Macklin, Peter Stormare