I Love Dick
Based on a celebrated feminist novel, this narrative unfolds in the vibrant academic setting of Marfa, Texas, and follows the turbulent journey of a married couple, Chris and Sylvere, who become fixated on a captivating professor named Dick. The series employs a Rashomon-style approach, presenting the story through varying perspectives, as it explores the disintegration of a marriage, the emergence of an artist, and the elevation of an unwilling savior.
Views: 1
Director: Joey Soloway, Sarah Gubbins
Studio: Amazon Studios
Creators: Joey Soloway, Sarah Gubbins
TV Status: Canceled
25minRelease: 2016
IMDb: 6.3
TMDb: 6.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 87%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Prime Video
Starring: Bobbi Salvör Menuez, Griffin Dunne, Kathryn Hahn, Kevin Bacon, Roberta Colindrez