Home and Away
Set in the imaginary coastal town of Summer Bay in New South Wales, “Home and Away” explores the personal and professional lives of its residents. Initially, the series centered around the Fletcher family, consisting of Pippa and Tom Fletcher and their five foster children: Frank Morgan, Carly Morris, Steven Matheson, Lynn Davenport, and Sally Keating, with Sally becoming one of the show’s most enduring characters. The narrative also originally and currently highlights the Stewart family. In the early 2000s, the focus shifted to the Sutherland family and later to the Hunters. Since its debut in 1988, “Home and Away” quickly gained popularity in Australia, and within weeks, it addressed its first major and unsettling storyline involving the rape of Carly Morris, making it one of the first shows to tackle such topics in an early timeslot. The series has consistently dealt with mature and controversial themes, which is uncommon for its restricted airing time.
TV Status: Returning Series
20minRelease: 1988
IMDb: 5.1
TMDb: 6.3
Country: Australia
Networks: Seven Network
Starring: Ada Nicodemou, Ally Harris, Emily Symons, Emily Weir, Ethan Browne, Georgie Parker, James Stewart, Jessica Redmayne, Kyle Shilling, Lynne McGranger, Nicholas Cartwright, Ray Meagher, Shane Withington