In a world where supernatural beings suddenly appear to condemn individuals to hell, society grapples with fear and chaos. The narrative follows various characters, including a detective and a lawyer, as they navigate the moral and existential dilemmas posed by these terrifying events. Directed by Yeon Sang-ho, known for his work on “Train to Busan,” the film delves into themes of justice, faith, and human nature. The series features compelling performances from stars like Yoo Ah-in and Kim Hyun-joo. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 8
Genre: Crime, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Choi Gyu-seok, Sang-ho Yeon, Yeon Sang-ho
Studio: Climax Studios
Creators: Kyu-Seok Choi, Sang-ho Yeon, Yeon Sang-ho
TV Status: Returning Series
52minRelease: 2021
IMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 97%
Networks: Netflix
Starring: Kim Do-yoon, Kim Hyun-joo, Kim Shin-rock, Lee Re, Park Jeong-min, Ryu Kyung-soo, Won Jin-A, Won Jin-ah, Yang Ik-june, Yoo Ah-in