Harlan Coben’s Shelter
After the passing of his father, Mickey Bolitar embarks on a fresh chapter in suburban New Jersey. When a fellow new student vanishes, Mickey becomes ensnared in a complex network of mysteries. Alongside his newfound companions, Spoon and Ema, they uncover a sinister underworld that could explain a series of disappearances spanning many years.
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Director: Charlotte Coben, Harlan Coben
Studio: Amazon Studios, Final Twist Productions, MGM International Television Productions, MGM International TV Productions, MGM Television
Creators: Charlotte Coben, Harlan Coben
Starring: Abby Corrigan, Adrian Greensmith, Brian Altemus, Constance Zimmer, Didi Conn, Geoffrey Cantor, Jaden Michael, Jen Jacob, Sage Linder, Samantha Bugliaro