Expedition Unknown
“Expedition Unknown” follows the thrilling journeys of Josh Gates as he delves into famous mysteries worldwide. Gates kicks off his investigations by speaking with crucial witnesses and examining the latest updates related to the mystery. From there, he embarks on an in-depth exploration. This genuine and rugged adventure brings Gates nearer to uncovering the truth behind these unresolved global puzzles, like the vanishing of Amelia Earhart’s aircraft. Josh Gates is an adventurer and enthusiastic explorer, known for his distinctive humor and love for venturing into uncharted territories.
Views: 21
Genre: Documentary, Reality
Studio: Ping Pong Productions
Creators: Brea Tisdale Brumels, Derek Owen, Douglas Segal, Thomas Quinn
TV Status: Returning Series
48minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 8.2
TMDb: 7.9
Country: United States of America
Networks: Travel Channel
Starring: Josh Gates