This film is a dramatic blend of science fiction mystery and adventure, infused with a comedic twist of a character out of their element. The story follows Eve, the first truly sentient ‘artificial person’. Although she appears human, she is actually a robot with extraordinary abilities. However, before she can showcase her remarkable talents, she must first tackle the challenges of teenage life.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Family, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Studio: Argonon, Leopard Drama
Creators: David Chikwe, Emma Reeves
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 6.3
TMDb: 6.0
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: CBBC
Starring: Ben Cartwright, Elijah Ayite, Eubha Akilade, Jane Asher, Oliver Woollford, Poppy Lee Friar