Empty Nest
Empty Nest is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from 1988 to 1995. Created by Susan Harris, it served as a spin-off from The Golden Girls. During its initial three seasons, Empty Nest ranked among the top 10 most-watched shows of the year. The series was produced by Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions in collaboration with Touchstone Television.
The show’s premise drew inspiration from the British comedy Father, Dear Father, which also depicted a father living with his two daughters and a large dog. However, in Empty Nest, the daughters are independent adults, and the main character is a widower.
Empty Nest was part of NBC’s Saturday night lineup, airing at 9:30 PM ET after The Golden Girls for its first four seasons.
Two cast members had previously appeared in Susan Harris’ earlier series, Soap, where Mulligan played Manoff’s father-in-law.
Views: 8
Director: Susan Harris
Studio: Touchstone Television, Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions
Creators: Susan Harris
TV Status: Ended
25minRelease: 1988
IMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 5.8
Country: United States of America
Networks: NBC
Starring: David Leisure, Dinah Manoff, Estelle Getty, Marsha Warfield, Park Overall, Richard Mulligan