Blue Planet II
This breathtaking documentary series, narrated by the legendary Sir David Attenborough, takes viewers on an extraordinary journey through the world’s oceans, exploring the diverse and vibrant marine life that inhabits them. With stunning cinematography and groundbreaking filming techniques, it reveals the hidden wonders and complex ecosystems beneath the waves. The series has been widely acclaimed for its visual storytelling and has won several awards, including BAFTAs for its cinematography and sound. Directed by James Honeyborne, it offers a captivating glimpse into the mysteries of the deep, showcasing the beauty and fragility of our planet’s oceans. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 7
Genre: Action & Adventure, Documentary, Family, Top250Tvs
Studio: BBC America, BBC Studios Natural History Unit, CCTV, China Media Group, France Télévisions, Tencent, The Open University, WDR
Creators: James Honeyborne, Jonathan Smith
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2017
IMDb: 9.3
TMDb: 8.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 97%
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC One
Starring: David Attenborough