Bates Motel
This series serves as a modern-day precursor to the 1960 classic film Psycho, exploring the lives of Norman Bates and his mother, Norma, before the storyline of Hitchcock’s movie unfolds. Set in a different fictional town and updated to a contemporary setting, the narrative kicks off following the death of Norma’s husband. She buys a motel in a coastal town in Oregon, aiming to begin anew with her son, Norman.
Views: 26
Director: Anthony Cipriano, Carlton Cuse, Kerry Ehrin
Studio: American Genre, Cuse Productions, Kerry Ehrin Productions, Universal Television
Creators: Anthony Cipriano, Carlton Cuse, Kerry Ehrin
TV Status: Ended
Release: 2013
IMDb: 8.1
TMDb: 8.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
Country: United States of America
Networks: A&E
Starring: Freddie Highmore, Max Thieriot, Nestor Carbonell, Olivia Cooke, Vera Farmiga