Ballmastrz: 9009
Set in a post-apocalyptic future, this animated series follows the chaotic and comedic adventures of Gaz Digzy, a disgraced superstar athlete, as she joins the worst team in the brutal sport of The Game. Created by Christy Karacas, known for his work on “Superjail!”, the show combines vibrant animation with a satirical take on sports culture and celebrity. The series features the voice talents of Natasha Lyonne and Dana Snyder, adding to its unique charm. While it hasn’t won any major awards, it has garnered a cult following for its distinctive style and humor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Director: Christy Karacas
Studio: C.C.K. (Rad), Titmouse, Williams Street
Creators: Christy Karacas
TV Status: Ended
12minRelease: 2018
IMDb: 6.8
TMDb: 6.6
Country: United States of America
Networks: Adult Swim
Starring: Christy Karacas, Dana Snyder, Dave Willis, Eric Bauza, Jessica DiCicco, Natasha Lyonne