5th Ward
“5th Ward” is an engaging series that vividly portrays the array of challenges faced by urban communities, doing so in an insightful, entertaining, and brisk manner. Set in the historic African American neighborhood of Fifth Ward in Houston, Texas, the series mirrors the cultural transformations seen in areas like Brooklyn, New York, and Compton, Los Angeles. Created by Houston filmmaker Greg Carter, the show delves into contemporary social, economic, and political issues through the perspectives of the Kennedy family, an extended black family that has resided in the neighborhood since the 1950s.
TV Status: Returning Series
Release: 2018
IMDb: 7.5
TMDb: 0.0
Country: United States of America
Networks: UMC
Starring: Allison Nguyen, Carl Anthony Payne II, Cayden Wilson, Christopher O'Neal, Gary Anthony Sturgis, Louis Gusemano, Mýa