30 for 30
“30 for 30” is the collective name for a set of documentary films broadcast on ESPN, its affiliated channels, and online platforms. This series focuses on individuals and events in the sports realm that typically haven’t been widely covered. It includes two “volumes,” each consisting of 30 episodes, a 13-episode series titled “ESPN Films Presents” that aired between 2011 and 2012, and a collection of “30 for 30 Shorts” available on the ESPN.com website.
Views: 363
Genre: Documentary
Director: Bill Simmons, Connor Schell, John Dahl
Studio: ESPN Films
Creators: Bill Simmons, Connor Schell, John Dahl
TV Status: Returning Series
1hRelease: 2009
IMDb: 8.8
TMDb: 7.4
Country: United States of America
Networks: ESPN