21 Jump Street
“21 Jump Street” is an American crime drama series that aired on the Fox Network and in syndication from April 12, 1987, to April 27, 1991, spanning 103 episodes. The show centers on a team of undercover police officers who, due to their youthful appearances, infiltrate high schools, colleges, and other places frequented by teenagers to solve crimes. Initially, the series was to be named “Jump Street Chapel,” referencing the deconsecrated church that serves as the unit’s headquarters, but the title was altered at Fox’s request to avoid suggesting a religious theme.
The series was the brainchild of Patrick Hasburgh and Stephen J. Cannell and was produced by their respective production companies in collaboration with 20th Century Fox Television. Executive producers included Hasburgh, Cannell, Steve Beers, and Bill Nuss. As one of the early successes for the then-new Fox Network, the show was designed to appeal to a younger demographic. Its final season was primarily broadcast in first-run syndication on local Fox stations and was later rebroadcast on the FX cable network from 1996 to 1998.
The series played a significant role in launching Johnny Depp’s early acting career, earning him widespread fame as a teen heartthrob, a label he found frustrating. Despite this, he remained on the show due to his contract, earning $45,000 per episode, until he was released after the fourth season. A spin-off series titled “Booker,” focusing on the character Dennis Booker, aired for one season from September 1989 to June 1990. A film adaptation featuring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum was released on March 16, 2012.
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Director: Patrick Hasburgh, Stephen J. Cannell
Studio: 20th Century Fox Television, Patrick Hasburgh Productions, Stephen J. Cannell Productions
Creators: Patrick Hasburgh, Stephen J. Cannell
TV Status: Ended
45minRelease: 1987
IMDb: 7.2
TMDb: 7.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 87%
Country: Canada, United States of America
Networks: FOX
Starring: Holly Robinson Peete, Michael Bendetti, Michael DeLuise, Peter DeLuise, Steven Williams