In this gripping thriller directed by David Fincher, two detectives, played by Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, are on the hunt for a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi. The film is renowned for its dark, atmospheric storytelling and intense performances, particularly from its lead actors. It has been praised for its intricate plot and chilling climax, making it a staple in the crime genre. Although it did not win any major awards, it has left a lasting impact on audiences and critics alike. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 87
Genre: Crime, Detective, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Top250Movies
Director: David Fincher
Actors: Andrew Kevin Walker, Bob Mack, Brad Pitt, Daniel Zacapa, George Christy, Gwyneth Paltrow, John C. McGinley, John Cassini, Julie Araskog, Kevin Spacey, Mark Boone Junior, Morgan Freeman, Peter Crombie, R. Lee Ermey, Reg E. Cathey
Country: United States of America
Company: Arnold Kopelson Productions, Cecchi Gori Pictures, Juno Pix, New Line Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $328,248,559