Scary Movie 3
In this comedic horror parody, a television news reporter, played by Anna Faris, investigates mysterious crop circles and a cursed videotape that threatens the lives of those who watch it. The film cleverly intertwines elements from popular horror and sci-fi movies, delivering a humorous take on the genre. Directed by David Zucker, known for his work on “Airplane!” and “The Naked Gun,” the movie features a star-studded cast including Charlie Sheen and Leslie Nielsen. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a popular choice for fans of spoof comedies. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 46
Genre: Comedy
Director: David Zucker
Actors: Anna Faris, Anthony Anderson, Charlie Sheen, Jenny McCarthy-Wahlberg, Jeremy Piven, Kevin Hart, Leslie Nielsen, Pamela Anderson, Regina Hall, Simon Rex, Лесли Нилсен
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Brad Grey Pictures, Dimension Films, Thomas FX Group
Worldwide Gross: $220,673,217