Sandy Wexler
Set in the vibrant entertainment scene of 1990s Los Angeles, this film follows the life of a quirky and dedicated talent manager who is known for his eccentric yet endearing personality. The protagonist, played by Adam Sandler, navigates the ups and downs of the industry while discovering a talented singer, portrayed by Jennifer Hudson, who could be his ticket to success. Directed by Steven Brill, the movie features a star-studded cast including Kevin James and Terry Crews, adding to its comedic charm. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the film offers a nostalgic look at the era with its humorous and heartfelt narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Comedy
Director: Steven Brill
Actors: Aaron Neville, Adam Sandler, Colin Quinn, Jackie Sandler, Jennifer Hudson, Kevin James, Lamorne Morris, Nick Swardson, Rob Schneider, Terry Crews
Country: United States of America
Company: Happy Madison Productions, Netflix