Saints and Soldiers
Set during the harrowing days of World War II, this film follows a small group of American soldiers who find themselves trapped behind enemy lines after the infamous Malmedy Massacre. As they navigate the treacherous terrain of Nazi-occupied Belgium, the soldiers, including standout performances by Corbin Allred and Kirby Heyborne, must rely on their wits and each other to survive. Directed by Ryan Little, the film is noted for its gripping portrayal of camaraderie and the moral complexities of war. While it did not receive major awards, it was praised for its historical accuracy and compelling storytelling. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, History, War
Director: Ryan Little
Actors: Alexander Polinsky, Benjamin Gourley, Corbin Allred, Ethan Vincent, Jeff Birk, Kirby Heyborne, Larry Bagby, Melinda Renee, Peter Holden, Ruby Chase O'Neil
Country: United States of America
Company: Go Films, Medal of Honor Productions LLC
Worldwide Gross: $1,310,470