Based on the iconic graphic novel, “Rottentail” follows the tale of Peter Cotton, a nerdy fertility scientist who undergoes a bizarre transformation into a half-human, half-rabbit creature after being bitten by a mutated bunny. Faced with this new reality, Peter embarks on a journey back to his roots, hopping his way to his hometown of Easter Falls. There, he unleashes a violent quest for revenge, leaving a trail of bloodshed in his wake.
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Director: Brian Skiba
Actors: Aaron Lee, Corin Nemec, Dominique Swain, Gianna Frangella, Gianni Capaldi, Laurie Love, Richard Anderson, Tank Jones, Vincent De Paul, William McNamara
Country: United States of America
Company: Blue Orchid Entertainment, Fury Film Franchise, Illusion Industries
Worldwide Gross: $3,383