Robot Dreams
In the bustling heart of Manhattan, a dog grows weary of solitude. Determined to find companionship, he constructs a robot to be his friend. Their bond strengthens, becoming unbreakable against the vibrant backdrop of 1980s New York City. However, on a warm summer evening, the dog is heartbroken as he must leave the robot behind on the beach. The question lingers: will their paths cross once more?
Views: 17
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Music, Oscar 2024, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Pablo Berger
Actors: Esther Solans, Graciela Molina, Ivan Labanda, José García Tos, José Luis Mediavilla, Rafa Calvo, Tito Trifol
Company: Arcadia Motion Pictures, Lokiz Films, Noodles Production
Worldwide Gross: $4,654,499