Robert Reborn
In 1951, amidst the escalating tensions of the Cold War in the Soviet Union, the notorious leader Joseph Stalin is gravely ill, with his demise seemingly near. During this time, KGB operative Stoichkov stumbles upon an enigmatic performance in the Baltic region, showcasing three eerie dolls named Robert, Kalashnikov, and Miss Cyclops. Captivated by the dolls’ astonishingly realistic movements, Stoichkov delves into the background of the show’s presenter, uncovering that he is a German Toymaker in possession of a magical book that promises immortality. Convinced that the Toymaker and his book could save Stalin from death, Stoichkov abducts him, and they set off on a flight to Moscow. However, the Toymaker’s animated creations have trailed them. Chaos erupts mid-flight as Stoichkov and his KGB team realize the dolls are aboard and determined to reclaim their master. Brace yourself for a high-altitude horror filled with bloodthirsty toys.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Andrew Jones
Actors: Brendan Purcell, Cassandra Hodges, David Lenik, Dennis Farrin, John R. Walker, Klemens Koehring, Lee Bane, Paris Stangl, Peter Svatik, Rahel Kapsaski
Country: United Kingdom
Company: North Bank Entertainment