Rio, I Love You
The third installment in the Cities of Love series, “Rio, I Love You,” is a collection of stories crafted by ten innovative directors from around the world. Each segment highlights a love encounter set in a different neighborhood of Rio, showcasing the unique traits and atmosphere of each area. This film aims to connect diverse cultures, offering both education and entertainment, while honoring the distinct and shared ways love is expressed.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Guillermo Arriaga, Stephan Elliott, Vicente Amorim
Actors: Basil Hoffman, Eduardo Sterblitch, Emily Mortimer, Fernanda Montenegro, Harvey Keitel, Jason Isaacs, John Turturro, Ryan Kwanten, Vanessa Paradis, Vincent Cassel
Country: Brazil, France, United States of America
Company: Bossa Nova Films, Conspiração Filmes, Empyrean Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $601,737