Rescue Dogs The Movie
Tracy, along with his trusty rescue dog Charger, must thwart the schemes of a nefarious businessman intent on demolishing their seaside eatery to make way for a golf course. With assistance from his brother, Tracy juggles paying the bills, running the kitchen (where Charger lends a paw in cooking!), and pursuing a romance with the enchanting dancer, Bridgette. Amidst a series of comedic blunders and misadventures, the humans discover that their rescue animals can, in turn, rescue them.
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Director: Haik Katsikian, M.J. Anderson
Actors: Andrew Ryan Harvey, Brian Hull, Casey Campbell, Courtney Daniels, Fred Tatasciore, Jessalyn Gilsig, Jordan Rawlins, Paul Haapaniemi, Peter Oldring, Tamara Garfield
Country: United States of America