Red Riding: In the Year of Our Lord 1980
Set against the backdrop of a series of brutal murders in Yorkshire, this gripping crime drama follows Peter Hunter, a determined and morally conflicted police officer, as he delves into the murky depths of corruption within the police force. The film, directed by James Marsh, is part of a trilogy that explores the dark and complex world of crime and justice in 1980s England. With a compelling performance by Paddy Considine, the narrative weaves a tense and atmospheric tale of intrigue and betrayal. While the film did not receive major awards, it is noted for its intense storytelling and strong performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, History, Mystery, Thriller, TV Movie
Director: James Marsh
Actors: David Calder, David Morrissey, Eddie Marsan, James Fox, Jim Carter, Maxine Peake, Nicholas Woodeson, Paddy Considine, Tony Pitts, Warren Clarke
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Channel 4, Lipsync Productions, Screen Yorkshire