Red Cliff
Set during the tumultuous era of the Three Kingdoms in ancient China, this epic film directed by John Woo showcases the legendary Battle of Red Cliffs. The narrative follows the strategic alliance between two warlords, Sun Quan and Liu Bei, as they unite against the formidable forces of the warlord Cao Cao. With a star-studded cast including Tony Leung and Takeshi Kaneshiro, the film is renowned for its grand scale and intricate battle sequences. While it did not receive major international awards, it is celebrated for its impressive visual storytelling and historical depth. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 10
Genre: Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure, Drama, History, War
Director: John Woo
Actors: Ba Sen Zha Bu, Chang Chen, Chi-Ling Lin, Cui Yu-Gui, Fengyi Zhang, Guo Chao, Hou Yong, Hu Jun, Hu Xiaoguang, Jia Hong-Wei, Jiang Tong, Kim Thành Vũ, Lin Chi-Ling, Ma Jingjing, Shi Xiao-Hong, Shido Nakamura, Shidou Nakamura, Song Jia, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Tong Dawei, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, Wang Hui, Wang Qingxiang, Xie Gang, Xu Feng-Nian, Yi Zhen, Yong You, You Yong, You Yongzhi, Zang Jinsheng, Zhang Feng Yi, Zhang Fengyi, Zhang Shan, Zhao Cheng-Shun, Zhao Wei, 侯勇
Country: China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, United States of America
Company: Beijing Film Studio, Bluebush Productions, China Film Group Corporation (CFGC), Lion Rock Productions
Worldwide Gross: $129,710,514