Rabbit-Proof Fence
Set in 1931, this poignant film follows the harrowing journey of three young Aboriginal girls who escape from a government settlement in Western Australia, determined to return to their families. The narrative is driven by their resilience as they trek over 1,500 miles, guided by the titular fence that stretches across the outback. Directed by Phillip Noyce, the film stars Everlyn Sampi, Tianna Sansbury, and Laura Monaghan, delivering powerful performances that bring this true story to life. The film was nominated for several awards, including a BAFTA for Best Film Not in the English Language. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Adventure, Biography, Drama, History
Director: Phillip Noyce
Actors: David Gulpilil, Deborah Mailman, Everlyn Sampi, Jason Clarke, Kenneth Branagh, Laura Monaghan, Myarn Lawford, Natasha Wanganeen, Ningali Lawford, Tianna Sansbury
Country: Australia
Company: Australian Film Finance Corporation (AFFC), Rumbalara Films, The Australian Film Commission
Worldwide Gross: $16,220,968