Princess Mononoke
Set in the late Muromachi period of Japan, this animated epic follows the journey of a young prince named Ashitaka, who becomes embroiled in a conflict between the gods of a forest and the humans who consume its resources. As he seeks a cure for a curse inflicted upon him, Ashitaka encounters San, a fierce young woman raised by wolves, and Lady Eboshi, a determined leader of an industrial town. The film explores themes of environmentalism, the clash between nature and human progress, and the quest for harmony. Directed by the renowned Hayao Miyazaki, it is celebrated for its stunning animation and complex narrative. The film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 25
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, Top250Movies
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Actors: Akihiro Miwa, Hisaya Morishige, Kaoru Kobayashi, Masahiko Nishimura, Mitsuko Mori, Sumi Shimamoto, Tsunehiko Kamijô, Youji Matsuda, Yūko Tanaka, Yuriko Ishida
Country: Japan
Company: DENTSU Music And Entertainment, Nibariki, Nippon Television Network (NTV)
Worldwide Gross: $170,333,762