Phantom of the Theatre
Set in the glamorous yet eerie world of 1930s Shanghai, this film follows a young director who is determined to stage a new play in a long-abandoned theatre rumored to be haunted. As the cast and crew prepare for the production, they encounter a series of mysterious and supernatural events that threaten to derail their efforts. The movie stars Ruby Lin and Tony Yang, who deliver captivating performances that enhance the film’s atmospheric tension. Directed by Wai-Man Yip, the film combines elements of horror and romance, creating a visually stunning narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Director: Wai-Man Yip
Actors: Hu Ming, Hung Huang, Jing Gangshan, Lin Jiangguo, Natalie Meng Yao, Pat Ha, Ruby Lin, Simon Yam, Tony Yang, Wu Xudong, Yo Yang
Country: China
Company: Bona International Film Group, Distribution Workshop, Dong Yang Huan Yu Media
Worldwide Gross: $13,526,843