Pete Smalls Is Dead
In this dark comedy, a down-on-his-luck writer named KC, played by Peter Dinklage, embarks on a chaotic journey to Los Angeles after learning about the death of his friend, a film director. The film, directed by Alexandre Rockwell, weaves a tale of friendship, betrayal, and the absurdities of Hollywood, featuring a cast that includes Mark Boone Junior and Steve Buscemi. As KC navigates the eccentric world of the film industry, he uncovers unexpected truths and faces a series of bizarre encounters. This quirky narrative can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alexandre Rockwell
Actors: Emily Rios, Lena Headey, Mark Boone Junior, Peter Dinklage, Rosie Perez, Seymour Cassel, Steve Buscemi, Steven Randazzo, Theresa Wayman, Tim Roth
Country: United States of America
Company: Ms. Tangerine Productions, Pantry Films