PAW Patrol: The Movie
In this animated adventure, the heroic pups from Adventure Bay face their biggest challenge yet when their arch-nemesis, Humdinger, becomes the mayor of nearby Adventure City and starts wreaking havoc. The team, led by Ryder, must work together to save the citizens and restore order. The film features the voices of stars like Iain Armitage, Marsai Martin, and Kim Kardashian. Directed by Cal Brunker, this family-friendly film combines humor, action, and heartwarming moments. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 18
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Cal Brunker
Actors: Dax Shepard, Iain Armitage, Jimmy Kimmel, Kim Kardashian, Kim Kardashian West, Lilly Bartlam, Marsai Martin, Randall Park, Ron Pardo, Tyler Perry, Will Brisbin, Yara Shahidi
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Nickelodeon Movies, Paramount Pictures, Spin Master Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $144,327,371