Paper Soldiers
In this urban comedy, a young man named Shawn, played by Kevin Hart in one of his early film roles, finds himself entangled in the world of petty crime as he struggles to make ends meet. The film follows his misadventures with a group of small-time crooks as they attempt to pull off a series of burglaries, leading to a mix of humorous and tense situations. Directed by David V. Daniel and Damon Dash, the movie features a blend of comedy and crime elements, showcasing the challenges and absurdities of life on the streets. Notably, the film includes appearances by hip-hop artists such as Beanie Sigel and Memphis Bleek, adding an authentic urban flavor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Damon Dash, David Daniel
Actors: Beanie Sigel, Capone Lee, Damon Dash, Derron 'Smokey' Edington, Kevin Carroll, Kevin Hart, Memphis Bleek, Paul Sado, Stacey Dash, Tiffany Withers
Country: United States of America
Company: Roc-a-fella Films, Universal Pictures