Under the leadership of Major John Cafferty, a team of American soldiers is dispatched on a mission deep within Afghanistan’s rugged mountains, tasked with retrieving a mysterious, highly classified package. Upon returning home, they find themselves in a military hospital, suffering from amnesia about their mission and even their own identities. Gradually, they begin to piece together the bizarre occurrences they experienced: ghostly apparitions that led some to their demise and the detection of a potent electromagnetic force from an otherworldly source. However, they must quickly confront the harsh reality of how they ended up in Afghanistan in the first place and the betrayals that erased their memories and nearly ruined their lives.
Views: 1
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Peter Winther
Actors: Amanda Vredegoor, Caroline Lindy, Colm Feore, Erica Durance, Joel Jackshaw, Julia Voth, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Mandie Vredegoor, Riza Santos, Tahmoh Penikett
Country: Canada
Company: Badlands Features, Ferns Entertainment, Liberation Pictures