In this 2006 film directed by John Jeffcoat, an American salesman named Todd Anderson is sent to India to train his replacement after his department is outsourced. The cultural clash and Todd’s initial reluctance gradually give way to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the vibrant Indian culture, leading to unexpected personal growth. The film stars Josh Hamilton and Ayesha Dharker, who deliver engaging performances that highlight the comedic and heartfelt moments of the story. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it is noted for its authentic portrayal of cross-cultural experiences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John Jeffcoat
Actors: Arjun Mathur, Asif Basra, Ayesha Dharker, Jeneva Talwar, Josh Hamilton, Ketan Mehta, Larry Pine, Matt Smith, Siddharth Jadhav, Sudha Shivpuri
Country: United States of America
Company: ShadowCatcher Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $703,324