Our Time Will Come
Set against the backdrop of Japanese-occupied Hong Kong during World War II, this film follows the courageous journey of a young schoolteacher, played by Zhou Xun, who becomes an unlikely resistance fighter. The narrative intricately weaves personal and political struggles, highlighting the resilience and bravery of ordinary citizens. Directed by the acclaimed Ann Hui, the movie features a stellar cast, including Eddie Peng and Wallace Huo, bringing depth to this historical drama. The film has been recognized for its compelling storytelling and strong performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ann Hui
Actors: Deanie Ip, Eddie Peng, Guo Tao, Hee Ching Paw, Ivana Wong, Jessie Li, Masatoshi Nagase, Nina Pau Hei-Ching, Pau Hei-Ching, Tony Leung Ka-Fai, Wallace Huo, Zhou Xun
Company: Bona Film Group, Class Limited, Distribution Workshop
Worldwide Gross: $9,484,714