One In The Chamber
In this action-packed thriller directed by William Kaufman, the story unfolds in the gritty underworld of Eastern Europe, where a seasoned assassin finds himself caught in a deadly game between two rival crime families. Starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and Dolph Lundgren, the film explores themes of loyalty and betrayal as the protagonist navigates a web of deceit and violence. With intense action sequences and a gripping narrative, the movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: William Kaufman
Actors: Billy Murray, Claudia Bassols, Cuba Gooding Jr., Dolph Lundgren, Leo Gregory, Louis Mandylor, Slavi Slavov
Country: Romania, United States of America
Company: Mediapro Studios, Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA), Throttle Films