Once Upon a Time Veronica
“Once Upon a Time Veronica” offers a deeply nuanced and emotionally intense depiction of a woman’s tumultuous journey into adulthood, presenting a contemporary twist on the traditional fairy tale. Director Marcelo Gomes skillfully delves into the psyche of his emotionally fragile yet strong protagonist, delivering a narrative that resonates on a profound level. The film is driven by Hermila Guedes’ outstanding and daring performance, capturing the intricate and sensual exploration of a young woman’s personal and career development in Recife.
Genre: Drama
Director: Marcelo Gomes
Actors: Anthero Montenegro, Chico Ribeiro, Hermila Guedes, Inaê Veríssimo, João Miguel, Júlio Rocha, Madalena Accioly, Maeve Jinkings, Renata Roberta, Suzy Lopes, W.J. Solha
Company: Dezenove Som e Imagem, Dezenove Som e Imagens, Rec Produtores Associados Ltda., Urban Factory
Worldwide Gross: $81,925