Set in 19th-century England, this musical adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic novel follows the journey of a young orphan who escapes from a dreary workhouse and finds himself amidst a group of juvenile thieves led by the cunning Fagin. The film features standout performances by Ron Moody as Fagin and Oliver Reed as the menacing Bill Sikes. Directed by Carol Reed, it won several Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Notably, the film’s elaborate musical numbers and set designs have been widely praised. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 27
Genre: Drama, Family, Music, Musical, Oscar Winners
Director: Carol Reed
Actors: Elizabeth Knight, Fred Emney, Harry Secombe, Hugh Griffith, Hylda Baker, Jack Wild, James Hayter, Joseph O'Conor, Kenneth Cranham, Leonard Rossiter, Mark Lester, Megs Jenkins, Norman Mitchell, Oliver Reed, Peggy Mount, Ron Moody, Shani Wallis, Sheila White, Wensley Pithey
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Romulus Films, Warwick Film Productions
Worldwide Gross: $228