Okay Madam
In this action-comedy film directed by Lee Cheol-ha, a seemingly ordinary couple finds themselves embroiled in a high-stakes hijacking during their first international flight. The movie stars Uhm Jung-hwa and Park Sung-woong, who deliver engaging performances as they navigate a series of unexpected and humorous challenges. As the plot unfolds, the couple’s hidden skills come to light, turning the tables on the hijackers in surprising ways. This entertaining blend of action and comedy can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Comedy, Thriller
Director: Lee Cheol-ha
Actors: Bae Jung-nam, Choi Jin-ho, Jeong Su-bin, Kim Pub-lae, Lee Sang-yun, Lee Sun-Bin, Park Ji-il, Park Sung-woong, Uhm Jung-hwa, Yu Ha-jun
Country: South Korea
Company: Korea Investment Partners, OAL Media Contents Group, Sanai Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $9,433,525