Set in the aftermath of the Bosnian War, this tense psychological thriller follows a group of soldiers tasked with clearing landmines in a remote village. As they encounter a mysterious stranger trapped in a brick wall, paranoia and fear begin to unravel the soldiers’ sanity. Directed by Dejan Zečević, the film delves into themes of guilt, trust, and the haunting scars of war. Notable performances by the cast add depth to this gripping narrative. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, War
Director: Dejan Zečević
Actors: Aleksandar Stojković, Dragan Marinković 'Maca', Goran Jokić, Ljubomir Bandović, Marija Pikić, Slavko Štimac, Stefan Bundalo, Tihomir Stanić, Vladimir Đorđević, Vuk Kostić
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia
Company: Balkan Film, Biberche, Tivoli Film Produkcio
Worldwide Gross: $32,764