National Treasure
In this thrilling adventure film directed by Jon Turteltaub, a historian and treasure hunter, played by Nicolas Cage, embarks on a quest to uncover a legendary treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers of the United States. The protagonist, alongside a team of allies, deciphers clues embedded in historical artifacts and documents, leading to a high-stakes race against a rival treasure seeker. The film combines elements of history, mystery, and action, creating an engaging narrative that captivates audiences. Notably, the movie features a strong supporting cast, including Diane Kruger and Sean Bean. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 23
Genre: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Jon Turteltaub
Actors: Christopher Plummer, David Dayan Fisher, Diane Kruger, Harvey Keitel, Jon Voight, Justin Bartha, Nicolas Cage, Oleg Taktarov, Sean Bean, Stewart Finlay-McLennan
Country: United States of America
Company: Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Junction Entertainment, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $347,512,530