In this 2022 film directed by Nikyatu Jusu, the story follows Aisha, an undocumented Senegalese immigrant working as a nanny for a wealthy couple in New York City. As she strives to bring her son to America, Aisha becomes increasingly haunted by a mysterious presence that threatens her dreams and sanity. The film stars Anna Diop, who delivers a compelling performance as the protagonist. This psychological horror drama has been praised for its unique blend of cultural themes and suspenseful storytelling. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nikyatu Jusu
Actors: Anna Diop, Jahleel Kamara, Leslie Uggams, Michelle Monaghan, Mitzie Pratt, Morgan Spector, Olamide Candide Johnson, Princess Adenike, Rose Decker, Sinqua Walls
Country: United States of America
Company: Blumhouse Television, LinLay Productions, Stay Gold Features