In this gripping Telugu drama, Allari Naresh delivers a powerful performance as Surya Prakash, an innocent man wrongfully imprisoned, who fights for justice against a corrupt system. The film, directed by Vijay Kanakamedala, explores themes of legal injustice and personal resilience, offering a compelling narrative that keeps viewers engaged. With its intense storyline and strong performances, the movie has been well-received by audiences and critics alike. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 4
Director: Vijay Kanakamedala
Actors: Allari Naresh, Devi Prasad, Harish Uthaman, Navami Gayak, Pramodini Pammi, Praveen, Priyadarshi Pullikonda, Srikanth Iyengar, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Vinay Varma
Country: India
Company: B4U Motion Pictures, SV2 Entertainment