Mystic Pizza
Set in the picturesque town of Mystic, Connecticut, this coming-of-age film follows the lives of three young women working at a local pizza parlor as they navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and personal growth. The film features a talented cast, including Julia Roberts, Annabeth Gish, and Lili Taylor, who deliver compelling performances that capture the essence of small-town life and youthful aspirations. Directed by Donald Petrie, the movie is noted for its heartfelt storytelling and authentic portrayal of working-class struggles. While it did not receive major awards, it remains a beloved classic for its relatable characters and charming setting. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Donald Petrie
Actors: Adam Storke, Annabeth Gish, Conchata Ferrell, Joanna Merlin, Julia Roberts, Lili Taylor, Matt Damon, Porscha Radcliffe, Vincent D'Onofrio, William R. Moses
Country: United States of America
Company: Night Life Inc., The Samuel Goldwyn Company, Virgin Vision
Worldwide Gross: $12,793,213