My Father Die
In this gritty revenge thriller, a young man named Asher, who has been mute since childhood, seeks vengeance against his father, Ivan, who has just been released from prison. The film explores themes of violence, family, and redemption, set against a Southern Gothic backdrop. Directed by Sean Brosnan, the movie features standout performances by Joe Anderson and Gary Stretch. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers a raw and intense cinematic experience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Sean Brosnan
Actors: Candace Smith, Chester Rushing, Gary Stretch, Jason Kirkpatrick, Joe Anderson, John Schneider, Kevin Gage, Sean Brosnan, Thomas Francis Murphy, William Mark McCullough
Country: United States of America
Company: KnightMarcher
Worldwide Gross: $4,252