Mulan 2
In this animated sequel, the courageous heroine is tasked with a new mission that involves escorting three princesses across China to fulfill a strategic alliance through marriage. Alongside her loyal companions, including the charming Mushu and the steadfast Shang, she navigates the challenges of duty and love. The film explores themes of loyalty, friendship, and self-discovery, all set against a vibrant backdrop of ancient China. While it may not have garnered any major awards, it features the voice talents of Ming-Na Wen and BD Wong. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 27
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Darrell Rooney, Lynne Southerland
Actors: BD Wong, Gedde Watanabe, George Takei, June Foray, Lauren Tom, Lucy Liu, Mark Moseley, Ming-Na Wen, Pat Morita, Sandra Oh
Country: Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Disneytoon Studios, Walt Disney Pictures