Mr. Troop Mom
In this family comedy directed by William Dear, a widowed father, played by George Lopez, finds himself stepping into unfamiliar territory when he volunteers to chaperone his daughter’s scout troop at a summer camp. The film explores themes of parenting, teamwork, and personal growth as the protagonist navigates the challenges of bonding with the troop and proving himself as a capable “mom.” The movie features a blend of humor and heartwarming moments, making it a suitable watch for families. Notably, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Family, TV Movie
Director: William Dear
Actors: April Telek, Daniela Bobadilla, Elizabeth Thai, George Lopez, Jane Lynch, Jess McLeod, Jessica McLeod, Jianna Ballard, Julia Benson, Laine MacNeil, Pyper De Marsh
Country: United States of America
Company: George Lopez Presents, Warner Premiere