Mountain Cry
Set against the backdrop of a remote mountain village, this film explores the aftermath of a tragic accident that leaves a young widow and her mute son to fend for themselves. As the villagers grapple with the incident, secrets and hidden emotions come to light, challenging the community’s traditional values. The film stars Lang Yueting and Wang Ziyi, whose performances bring depth to this poignant narrative. Directed by Larry Yang, the movie delves into themes of isolation and human connection. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Director: Larry Yang
Actors: Cheng Taishen, Guo Jin, Lang Yueting, Wang Ziyi, Xu Caigen, Yu Ailei, Zhao Chendong
Country: China
Company: Hairun Pictures Co., Village Roadshow Pictures Asia
Worldwide Gross: $83,878