Set a year after the events of the drama series “Moteki,” the story follows 31-year-old Yukiyo Fujimoto, portrayed by Mirai Moriyama. Yukiyo finds himself without financial stability, aspirations, or a romantic partner. Having quit his job at a staffing agency, he is now trying to reinvent himself as a writer for a news website. Unexpectedly, Yukiyo enters a “moteki” phase, a time when he becomes unexpectedly attractive to women. He catches the attention of several women: the charming magazine editor Miyuki (played by Masami Nagasawa), the innocent and sincere office worker Rumiko (Kumiko Aso), the stunning shop assistant Ai (Riisa Naka), and the striking yet strong-willed colleague Motoko (Yoko Maki). Despite his efforts to remain composed, Yukiyo is unsettled by the sudden interest these women show in him.
Views: 4
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Music, Romance
Director: Hitoshi One
Actors: Hikari Mitsushima, Hirofumi Arai, Kumiko Aso, Lily Franky, Masami Nagasawa, Mirai Moriyama, Moriyama Mirai, Nobuaki Kaneko, Riisa Naka, Yoko Maki, Yuka Kashino
Country: Japan
Company: Office Crescendo, TOHO, Toho Company, TV Tokyo
Worldwide Gross: $27,707,149