In this 2022 film directed by Daniel Espinosa, the story follows Dr. Michael Morbius, a biochemist who suffers from a rare blood disorder. In his quest to cure himself, he inadvertently transforms into a living vampire, grappling with newfound powers and a thirst for blood. Jared Leto stars in the lead role, bringing a complex portrayal to the character’s internal struggle. The film is part of the Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters, adding a darker tone to the superhero genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Featured movies, Horror, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Daniel Espinosa
Actors: Adria Arjona, Al Madrigal, Bern Collaço, Charlie Shotwell, Jared Harris, Jared Leto, Joe Ferrara, Joseph Esson, Matt Smith, Michael Keaton, Tina Louise Owens, Tyrese Gibson, Zaris-Angel Hator
Country: United States of America
Company: Avi Arad Productions, Columbia Pictures, Marvel Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $167,460,961